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Strategic conception of Japan’s island chain defense capabilities in the post-Abe period: Observe the changes in Japan’s outlying island defense system by enhancing its missile defense capabilities in the Southwest Islands
作者 徐浤馨
Whether it is China’s continuous expansion of military power, which poses an increasing threat to East Asia’s geopolitics in terms of military and security pressure, or former Prime Minister Abe’s counterargument that“if Taiwan is in trouble, Japan is in trouble, and the Japan-US alliance is in trouble,”it is still being criticized to this day. The academic or political circles in Japan, the United States, China and Taiwan are paying close attention to it, and geopolitical theories such as“sea power theory”or“marginal zone theory”have even emerged, competing to become the focus of think tanks or academic circles studying global strategy or security issues in the Indo-Pacific region.
Obviously, Japan has long realized that even if there is a conflict between the United States and China or a crisis in the Taiwan Strait, it is almost impossible to stay out of it. No matter what adjustments and revisions Japan adopts to its security system, it is undoubtedly“in case”it is involved in the geopolitical military conflict between the United States and China on the first island chain in East Asia. So how does Japan think about its role in international politics and What role should geopolitics play? However, does this mean that in the post-Abe era Japan has changed the pacifist line it has adhered to for many years since World War II? How should the content of the new security law be interpreted correctly in terms of legal norms? From Japan’s strengthening of the combat capabilities of the“Extended Range Type 12 Surface-to-Ship Guided Missile”, observe how it will enhance the changes in the missile defense system of the Southwest Islands amid the geopolitical conflict on the first island chain in East Asia. This article will conduct in-depth analysis and review of important security system and other issues.
起訖頁 87-126
關鍵詞 地緣政治和平安全法制日本三大安保文件反擊能力GeopoliticsLegislation for Peace and SecurityJapan’s three Major Security DocumentsCounterstrike Capabilities
刊名 台日法政研究  
期數 202312 (10期)
出版單位 國立勤益科技大學通識教育學院日本研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 設置駐中華民國日本國大使館的法律依據變革之考察
該期刊-下一篇 日本地方自治中的「自治紛爭處理委員」法制




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