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From the Actual Life Experience of to the Parousia of Christ: A Systemic-Immanent Hermeneutics of Early Heidegger’s“Introduction to the Phenomenology of Religion”
作者 陸敬忠
本文以海德格之宗教乃至神學哲思之早期亦即從天主教神學轉向現象學哲學時期為主,並以其最主要相關文本所呈現的思想,亦即《宗教生命之現象學》(Phaenomenologie des religiösen Lebens)之〈宗教現象學導論〉(Einleitung in die Phänomenologie der Religion, Wintersemester1920/21)為本進行其宗教向度之研究。本文梳理〈宗教現象學導論〉中所呈現早期海德格之宗教哲思向度。〈宗教現象學導論〉主要分成兩部分,第一部分是所謂〈方法性導論:哲學,實在性的生命經驗及宗教現象學〉,以導引出宗教現象學之基本觀念亦即實在性的生命經驗(faktische Lebenserfahrung)以及其方法亦即「形式性指示」(formale Anzeige)為。第二部分為〈具體性宗教現象之現象學式的闡釋:以保羅書信為引〉,則以該宗教現象學觀念與方法對具體生命世界中的宗教現象進行闡釋,特別是以保羅書信為範例。如是不但可初探早期海德格基於神哲學問題意識所開創的現象學方法,也可窺見其從對於早期基督信仰之宗教現象學所原創出的海德格經典哲思主題與觀念之緣起,亦即從歷史性至時間性與從實在性生命經驗至此有之線索。
This paper focuses on the early phase of Heidegger’s philosophizing of religion and even theology, that is, the period when he moved from Catholic theology to phenomenological philosophy and presents the ideas based on his most relevant text,“Introduction to the Phenomenology of Religion”(“Einleitung in die Phänomenologie der Religion”, Wintersemester 1920/21) in The Phenomenology of Religious Life (Phaenomenologie des religiösen Lebens) as a study of his dimension of relgion. This essay presents a systemic-hermeneutical survey of the early Heideggerian dimension of philosophizing about religion as presented in the“Introduction to the Phenomenology of Religion”. The first part is a so-called‘Methodological Introduction: Philosophy, Actual Life Experience and Religious Phenomenology’, which introduces the basic concept of his phenomenology of religion, i.e. actual life experience (faktische Lebenserfahrung), and its method, i.e. formal indication (formale Anzeige). The second part,‘A Phenomenological Explication of Concrete Religious Phenomena in Connection with Pauline Letters’, applies the phenomenological concept and method of religion to interpret religious phenomena in the concrete world of life, with particular reference to the Pauline Letters as an example. In this way, one can not only gain a first glimpse into the early Heideggerian phenomenological approach that was guided by his sense of theological-philosophical problems, but also into how classic Heideggerean themes and concepts have their origin in a religious phenomenology of early Christian faith, that is, from historicity to temporality and from actual life experience to Dasein.
起訖頁 131-177
關鍵詞 早期海德格宗教現象學形式性指示實在性的生命經驗保羅書信基督再臨Early HeideggerPhenomenology of religionFormal indicationActual life experiencePauline epistlesParousia of Christ
刊名 國立臺灣大學哲學論評  
期數 202303 (65期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學哲學系
該期刊-上一篇 以道心與人心揭示荀子之倫理學基礎




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