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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
The association of symptoms of systemic sclerosis with systemic sclerosis-specific antibodies: a Single Medical Center Experience in Taiwan |
作者 |
李承翰、陳相成、郭三元、朱士傑、盧俊吉、黎亞綺、葉富強、朱宸志、裘喻翔、劉峰誠 |
中文摘要 |
目的:從單一醫療中心的資料中,計算系統性硬皮症特異性抗體和其相關症狀的患病率。 方法:我們回顧了從2018年1月1日至2022年12月31間來自三軍總醫院風濕免疫科之患者資料,並從中挑選出診斷為系統性硬皮症之患者資料。我們從以上患者中挑選出限制性系統性硬皮症(lcSSc)之病患、系統性皮症合併肺動脈高壓(SSc-PAH)之病患、及系統性硬皮症合併肺纖維化(SSc-ILD)之病患。本研究亦挑選出抗中心體抗體(ACA)陽性之病患和抗拓撲異構酶I抗體(anti-topoisomerase I Ab)陽性之患者,針對以上症狀及抗體進行分組討論。本研究旨在計算抗體及其相關症狀中的患病率。 結果:我們收納了48名診斷為系統性硬皮症的患者的資料。研究顯示,在限制性系統性硬皮症(lcSSc)病患中,抗中心體抗體(ACA)陽性患者的比例高於非限制性系統性硬皮症病患(non lcSSc)(50% vs. 13.88%; p = 0.018)。但抗中心體抗體(ACA)和系統性硬皮症合併肺動脈高壓(SSc-PAH)之間沒有統計學上的顯著性差異(50% vs. 21.74%; p = 0.410)。研究亦顯示,在無系統性硬皮症合併肺纖維化(SSc non-ILD)之病患中,抗中心體抗體(ACA)的比例高於系統性硬皮症合併肺纖維化(SSc-ILD)之病患(37.93% vs 0%; p = 0.002)。硬皮症合併肺纖維化(SSc-ILD)病患之抗拓撲異構酶I抗體(anti-topoisomerase I Ab)比率亦高於無硬皮症合併和肺纖維化(SSc non-ILD)病患之抗拓撲異構酶I抗體(anti-topoisomerase I Ab)比率(47.37% vs 13.79%; p =0.019)。 結論:我們發現抗中心體抗體(ACA)在限制性系統性硬皮症(lcSSc)及無系統性硬皮症合併肺纖維化(non SSc-ILD)患者中的盛行率較高,但在系統性硬皮症合併肺動脈高壓(SSc-ILD)和抗中心體抗體(ACA)之間沒有統計上的顯著差異。此外,本研究發現在系統性硬皮症合併肺纖維化(SSc-ILD)患者中抗拓撲異構酶I抗體(anti-topoisomerase I Ab)比率較高。 |
英文摘要 |
Objectives: We aim to determine the prevalence of systemic sclerosis-specific antibodies and related symptoms in systemic sclerosis (SSc) from a single medical center data. Methods: We performed a single center cohort study. Patients with SSc meeting 2013 ACR-EULAR criteria between 2018 January and 2022 December were included. Clinical characteristics and laboratory results were retrieved from electronic medical records. Results: A total of 48 patients with SSc were included. Anti-centromere antibody (ACA) was detected more frequently in patients with limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis (lcSSc) than diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis (dcSSc) (50% vs. 13.88%; p=0.018). We also found a higher prevalence of ACA in the SSc non-ILD group compared to the SSc-ILD group (37.93% vs. 0%; p=0.002) and a statistically higher prevalence of anti-topo I Ab in the SSc-ILD group compared to the SSc non-ILD group (47.37% vs. 13.79%; p=0.019). Conclusions: We identified a higher prevalence of ACA among lcSSc and SSc non-ILD patients, but no statistically significant difference between ACA and SSc-PAH patients. Additionally, the study found a higher prevalence of anti-topo I Ab among SSc-ILD patients. These findings suggest a possible association between SSc-specific antibodies and related symptoms. |
起訖頁 |
52-58 |
關鍵詞 |
系統性硬皮症、限制性系統性硬皮症、系統性硬皮症合併和肺纖維化、系統性硬皮症合併肺動脈高壓、抗中心體抗體、抗拓撲異構酶I抗體、Systemic sclerosis、limited cutaneous systemic sclerosis、interstitial lung disease、pulmonary artery hypertension、anti-centromere antibody、anti-topoisomerase I antibody |
刊名 |
中華民國風濕病雜誌 |
期數 |
202306 (37:1期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
血液羥氯奎寧濃度與全身性紅斑狼瘡復發率的相關性:台灣單一醫學中心的前導研究 |