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The Causes of News Avoidance among Taiwanese People and Its Effects on Individual Attitudes toward Democracy
作者 王靖興
新聞迴避(news avoidance)對於新聞產業和民主政治的運作產生日益嚴重的影響。不僅會讓新聞產業失去其消費者,導致新聞媒體的萎縮,更重要的是會讓民主社會失去「知情公民」(informed citizens),降低民眾對於公共事務的瞭解和參與,對於民主政治的運作將會產生不利的影響。鑒於新聞迴避對於民主社會的負面影響,國外已有不少研究嘗試檢視影響民眾新聞迴避的因素。然而,國內針對此一主題的研究卻不多,為了彌補國內此一文獻上的不足,本研究將利用「台灣選舉與民主化調查」2021年大規模基點調查面訪案的資料,檢視影響臺灣民眾新聞迴避的因素。除此之外,本研究進一步檢視新聞迴避的政治影響,亦即新聞迴避的民眾是否會有較低的民主評價和民主支持。分析結果發現,情感面向的政黨情感和媒體信任,以及認知面向的政治興趣和政治效能感皆會對個人的新聞迴避產生顯著的影響,亦即政黨情感愈正面、媒體信任愈高、政治興趣愈高,以及政治效能感愈高的民眾愈不會迴避新聞收視。另一方面,就新聞迴避與民主態度的關係而言,本研究發現新聞迴避對於民主評價和民主支持具有顯著的負向影響,亦即新聞迴避程度愈高的民眾對於臺灣民主現況的評價愈低,而且愈不認為民主政治是最好的政治體制,此隱含著新聞迴避對於民主政治的妥善運作將會帶來一些威脅。
News avoidance has a growing impact on the news industry and the functioning of democracy. Not only will the news industry lose its consumers and the news media shrink, but more importantly, the democratic society will lose its“informed citizens,”which will reduce the public’s understanding of and participation in public affairs and will be harmful to the working of democracy. Given the negative impact of news avoidance on a democratic society, many studies have attempted to examine the factors that affect the public’s news avoidance. However, there are not many studies on this topic in Taiwan. In order to fill the gap in the literature, this study employs the data from TEDS2021 to investigate the factors influencing Taiwanese people’s news avoidance. In addition, this study further examines the political effects of news avoidance, that is, whether news-avoidant people will have lower levels of democratic evaluation and support for democracy. The results show that the emotional factors of party sentiment and trust in the media and the cognitive factors of political interest and political efficacy both have significant effects on individuals’news avoidance. That is, people with more positive party sentiment and higher levels of trust in the media, political interest, and political efficacy are less likely to avoid the news. On the other hand, in terms of the relationship between news avoidance and democratic attitudes, this study finds that news avoidance has a significant negative effect on democratic evaluation and support for democracy. That is, people with higher levels of news avoidance tend to have lower levels of evaluation about Taiwan’s democracy and are less likely to view democracy as the best political system. This implies that news avoidance poses a threat to the proper functioning of democracy.
起訖頁 45-83
關鍵詞 新聞迴避民主評價民主支持台灣選舉與民主化調查news avoidancedemocratic evaluationsupport for democracyTEDS
刊名 選舉研究  
期數 202311 (30:2期)
出版單位 政大出版社;國立政治大學選舉研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 罷免投票行為的理性選擇分析:以2020年高雄市長罷免案為例
該期刊-下一篇 非與選舉同時的公投參與:比較台灣2018年與2021年兩次公投




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