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Exploring Patterns of NFT Misuse for Criminal Activities in the Metaverse
作者 林紘宇郭柏吟
現時許多與NFT相關的不法事件,如詐騙與洗錢的發生,導致投資者損失慘重,本文整理較為大宗事件如惡意連結與網站、Rug Pulls、內線交易、智財權爭議並輔以數據統計資料及台灣司法實務之研析,希望能夠建構出元宇宙NFT遭濫用於犯罪之不法樣態,並釐清實務上犯罪偵查NFT犯罪之特殊性。
“Metaverse”has gained popularity in recent years, with NFTs also emerging as a popular investment virtual asset. Many investors have poured into“meta space”, and numerous exchanges and operational teams have been established. However, simultaneously, there have been numerous illicit activities related to NFTs, such as fraud and money laundering, resulting in significant losses for investors. Illicit activities associated with NFTs encompass various forms, including malicious links and websites, Rug Pulls, insider trading, intellectual property disputes, and more.
Under the current legal framework in our country, how should victims seek legal remedies? Do these actions constitute fraud or money laundering? In the realm of NFT-related crimes, the predominant pattern in our country's judicial practice is investment fraud. Nevertheless, Taiwan's judicial system is still in its early stages of establishing mechanisms to address the Metaverse, and its regulatory stance towards NFTs tends to be cautious. There is no specific governing authority or regulatory framework for NFTs, and many disputes are still awaiting the accumulation of relevant judicial precedents. Furthermore, it is necessary to clarify the unique characteristics of NFT-related crimes in terms of criminal investigation practices.
起訖頁 1-28
關鍵詞 元宇宙非同質化代幣民法智慧財產權商標法詐欺洗錢MetaverseNon-Fungible TokenIntangible Property RightCivil LawTrademark LawFraudRug PullsMoney Laundering
刊名 臺灣科技法學叢刊  
期數 202301 (5期)
出版單位 財團法人資訊工業策進會科技法律研究所
該期刊-下一篇 論非同質化代幣(NFT)在民事法下之定性




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