英文摘要 |
The crux of the issue, as outlined in Constitutional Interpretation No. 13 of the 111th year of the Constitutional Court, regarding the legal framework for information in Taiwan, is that the current legal system does not satisfy the fundamental requirements for data governance in the healthcare sector. With this in mind, the purpose of this essay is to explore the legal framework for data governance that will be required in the future for the extended use of personal data in various databases within Formosan scientific research community. The solution lies in the relevant authorities expeditiously completing the long overdue legal framework for research database governance, instead of merely offering promises. Secondly, this article contends that the heart of data governance is establishing the concept of data trust, which can be achieved by creating a trusted relationship between data intermediaries and data subjects through their data access and sharing behaviours. This can be achieved by implementing a data trust responsibility based on the trust relationship in data application. Participatory governance and trust relationships based on people-centred principles have a positive correlation, and enhancing such trust relationships necessitates robust data trust governance, such as embedding transparency and accountability principles in the legal framework design for governance, and enabling data subjects to participate effectively throughout the entire data usage cycle. |