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Case Study on Passage Right of Gas Pipeline with Focus on Exterior of Condominium
作者 謝佳琪
有關設置電、水、天然氣等管線而須通過鄰地之爭議問題,民法物權編採「法定通過權」立法模式,明定以「損害最少之處所及方法(最小損害)」設置,管線即得通過他人土地之原則。亦在公寓大廈管理條例、電業法、自然水法及天然氣事業法等法律重申。於探討天然氣管線使用公寓大廈外牆之議題,首應判斷外牆是否屬共用部分;次而釐清「法定通過權」及「意定通過權」之有無;末以認定外牆權利人之權利行使是否濫用。爰公用天然氣事業可循天然氣事業法之書面通知等程序,以最小損害方式敷設,即有「法定通過權」。倘為「意定通過權」或有涉及應否適用公寓大廈管理條例第33 條少數否決之問題。甚而,天然氣事業法施行前敷設之管線,得否類推適用前揭民法規定或以天然氣事業法第23條「法定通過權」及同法第24 條權利濫用禁止為法理而適用等議題,應予探討。
The passage right in Civil Code allows the installation of wire, waterpipe, natural gas pipeline and others across the adjacent land under the “least damage doctrine.” This legislative principle was reiterated by Condominium Administration Act Building Administration Division (Condominium Act), The Electricity Act, Water Supply Act and Natural Gas Enterprise Act (Gas Act). This article was carried out the issues of the gas pipeline on exterior of condominium by determining whether it belongs to shared areas, clarifying the existing passage right, and the possible of abuse of rights. Gas enterprise who owns the legal right of passage would follow the procedure while conducting the installation by providing the written notice, and inducing least damage from construction. By contrast, the authorization of unit owner assembly’s dispute was aroused on minority veto in Article 33 of Condominium Act. In addition, this article will discuss the application of Civil Code or Gas Act’s passage right and the forbiddance of abuse of rights on existed gas pipeline.
起訖頁 31-49
關鍵詞 天然氣事業法公寓大廈管理條例管線通過權共用部分最小損害權利濫用Natural Gas Enterprise ActCondominium Administration Act Building Administration DivisionPipelinePassage RightShared AreasLeast DamageAbuse of Rights
刊名 財金法學研究  
期數 202303 (6:1期)
出版單位 中華財金法學會
該期刊-上一篇 大學自治下大學教師資格送審著作的審查機制
該期刊-下一篇 數位資產交易之法律問題初探




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