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Aerial Photogrammetry Applied to the Mapping of Old Aboriginal Settlements–An Example of Supayuan, Majia, Pingtung, Taiwan
作者 盧惠敏 (Hui-Min Lu)姚良居林俊廷劉思如
This paper discusses the application of aerial surveying technology for mapping a Taiwanese aboriginal settlement with slate houses. The relics of old Taiwanese aboriginal settlements with a history of thousands of years are widely distributed in deep mountains with inconvenient transportations. When constructing the basic data of cultural assets, especially in the mountain area, it is necessary to apply new technologies to carry out efficient and accurate settlement surveying and mapping. Taking Supayuan, an ancient Paiwan aboriginal settlement, an example, an aerial survey of about 11 hectares is carried out. The orthophoto map obtained serves as an important basis for drawing the settlement layout map. The constructed three-dimensional information of topography and landforms is the basis for subsequent preservation planning. The results of this study show that in large-scale settlement surveys, aerial surveying technology can greatly increase the efficiency and accuracy of survey and mapping work in constructing spatial information on the terrain of settlements and architecture. It can be widely used in preservation and development of the old aboriginal settlements.
起訖頁 97-108
關鍵詞 航空測量無人機攝影測量動態構成多視角立體視覺技術特徵面差異轉化數值地表模型古排灣Aerial SurveyUAV PhotogrammetrySfMMVSSIFTDSMKapayuwanan
刊名 建築學報  
期數 202312 (126期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 高齡社會下建置大規模災害後短期特殊避難收容機制之可行性研究




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