中文摘要 |
2022年5月台灣本土COVID-19確診病例數不斷攀升,最令人擔心之處在於中部確診人數急速增加,民眾的篩檢需求也大增,因疑似感染而就醫的民眾會去醫院尋求協助,造成大排長龍之情形。中部某醫學中心評估人潮及需求,並接獲台中市政府指示,快速調整防疫應變措施:(一)立即至『中央公園』場勘、規劃服務動線。(二)檢視醫療人力及檢驗量能。(三)邀請企業協同承擔,建置硬體設備。(四)提供一套智慧化的資訊系統。該醫療團隊於2022年5月20日至6月6日中央公園「PCR給藥得來速」提供篩檢、看診、領藥一條龍服務,此有效的規劃共執行18天共服務12,162人次,陽性確診率86.9%,領藥總共8,310人次,領取抗病毒口服藥總共1,061人次,成功紓解中台灣PCR篩檢及給藥的人潮,守護中臺灣民眾的健康。 |
英文摘要 |
The number of confirmed COVID-19 cases has rapidly increased in central Taiwan since May 2022. The pandemic raised urgent medical needs, including COVID-19 screening tests and treatment. If everyone came to the hospital for help, overcrowded patients would lead to the rapid spread of COVID-19 and stress the hospital health system. Under the strategy of the Health Bureau of Taichung City Government, A medical center in central Taiwan set up a field health station for screening tests and medical treatment. And took the following actions: (1) Immediately visit the ''Central Park'' site to survey and plan service lines. (2) Checking the medical workforce and the capacity of COVID-19 screening tests. (3) Invite enterprises to cooperate to build hardware equipment. (4) Provide a set of intelligent information systems. From May 20 to June 6, 2022, we provided a one-stop service of screening, visiting the doctors, and delivering the medicine at the ''PCR Drug Delivery Drive-Thru'' in Central Park. We ran the field health station for 18 days and served 12,162 person-times. Among the persons visiting the station, the COVID-19 positive cases were 86.9%. 8,310 people received medicines to relieve the symptoms, and 1,061 people received oral antiviral drugs. It successfully alleviates the crowds of PCR screening and drug administration in Central Taiwan and protects the health of the people in Central Taiwan. |