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When the Government Opens, Is its“Back Office”Ready? The Organizational Change Strategies for Open Government Reforms
作者 黃東益黃宗賢
This research explores what organizational change strategies have been adopted by public organizations in response to Open Government Reform. By selecting open government cases conducted after 2014 and interviewing 21 respondents such as agencies staffs, supervisors, and specialists, this research analyzes the organizational change strategies of public institutions at three levels: institution and structure, operation process, and individuals’perception. These strategies include the revision of organization structure and institution, the amelioration of operation process, and the transformation of individuals’mindset. Furthermore, this article aggregates and compares the organizational change strategies used by different open government cases, illustrating the linkage between diverse open government values and these strategies. As a result, this research complements extant open government research through the lenses of organization change perspectives, linking open government research to organization theory. Our findings provide a more sophisticated understanding of how open government values formulate and operate in public organizations.
起訖頁 1-32
關鍵詞 開放政府組織變革開放資料公共政策網路參與平台群眾募資open governmentorganizational changeopen dataJOIN crowdsourcing
刊名 行政暨政策學報  
期數 202312 (77期)
出版單位 國立政治大學公共行政暨政策學系
該期刊-下一篇 民主治理機制下的公文書管理:日本公文書管理的制度分析




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