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運用Lee Shulman教學推理與行動模式探究教師教學轉化歷程:以國小國語課為例
Use Lee Shulman’s Pedagogical Reasoning and Action Model to Explore the Process of Teachers' Transformation: Take the Elementary School Mandarin Teaching as an Example
作者 左榕
由於一般科學驗證出來的原理原則,不易體察教學現場的複雜多變。研究者嘗試引領讀者走入教學現場,將教室情境躍然紙上;以Lee Shulman教學推理與行動模式為視框,透過文件分析、教室觀察、晤談、教學省思等個案研究方式,觀察一位國小二年級教師國語教學轉化歷程;並結合研究者實踐知識(practical knowledge),與個案教師共同建構學科教學知識(Pedagogical Content Knowledge, PCK),發展國語教學轉化模式。因此,本研究旨在探究國語教學歷程中教師如何進行教學轉化,與教學轉化相關的教師知識、影響因素;以及瞭解教師如何透過省思精進教學,達到專業成長。研究發現:(1)國語教學須經教學前、教學中、教學後三個階段,歷程具有遞迴(recursive)現象;(2)個案教師的「學科內容知識」、「教學知識」與「學生特性知識」是建構「學科教學知識」的基礎;(3)影響教學轉化的主要因素為「學科內容知識」;(4)專家教師介入提供的「實踐知識」有助於教學轉化;(5)教學前做好教材分析是教學推理與轉化之關鍵;(6)個案教師教學轉化重在「學習者」理解,此彌補Shulman以學科為中心的教學推理概念之不足;(7)依個案教學歷程,建構國語教學推理與行動模式,作為檢核教師教學轉化之工具。最後根據研究發現提出增進教學轉化之相關建議。
Because the scientifically verified principles were not easy to be observed and be aware of the complexity in the classroom, the researcher tried to lead the readers into the teaching scene and present the teaching. By viewing Lee Shulman's pedagogical reasoning and action model as the frame, the researcher observed a grade 2 elementary school teacher’s Mandarin teaching transformation process through different case study methods, such as document analysis, classroom observation, interview and teaching reflection. The researcher combined the practical knowledge of the researcher, constructed ''Pedagogical Content Knowledge'' and developed the '' Mandarin teaching transformation model '' with the teacher in the case study jointly. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to explore how teachers conduct teaching transformation in the process of Mandarin teaching, teacher’s knowledge related to teaching transformation and influencing factors, and understand how teachers can improve their teaching through reflection to achieve professional growth. The research findings: (1) Mandarin teaching must go through three stages: pre-teaching stage, middle stage and post-teaching stage, and there is a recursive phenomenon in the process. (2) The case study teacher’s Content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and student characteristic knowledge are the basis for constructing Pedagogical Content Knowledge. (3) The main factor that affects teaching transformation is ''Content knowledge''. (4) ''Practical knowledge'' provided by the expert teachers' intervention contributes to teaching transformation. (5) Pre-teaching textbook analysis is the key to pedagogical reasoning and transformation. (6) The case study teacher’s teaching transformation focuses on the understanding of ''learners'', which makes up for the shortcomings of Shulman's pedagogical reasoning concept centered on subject matter knowledge. (7) Analyzing the case study teacher’s teaching process as the tool for examining teacher’s teaching transformation to construct a model of reasoning and action in Mandarin teaching. Based on the research findings, the researcher put forward relevant suggestions to improve teaching transformation.
起訖頁 235-264
關鍵詞 教學推理與行動教學案例實踐知識學科教學知識教學轉化Pedagogical Content Knowledgepedagogical reasoning and actionpractical knowledgeteaching caseteaching transformation
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 202109 (10:9期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 小學生國際教育課程觀之探究
該期刊-下一篇 再論「推行幼兒雙語教育所該考量的二三事」




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