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The difficulty of Taiwan Private Colleges' closedown, innovation, and transformation? Sharing experience for the six ASEAN Countries
作者 郭倵強
In the past, Taiwan’s higher education continued to expand and develop, The Government and The Ministry of Education actively carried out restructuring and upgraded many private colleges. The main core driving force of the country’s modernization and cultivate specialized talents, high-level academics which caused today’s oversupply. Its severe impact has increased the financial risks of colleges and universities, it also caused difficulties such as low enrollment rate and high unemployment rate. At that time, the government also proposed a policy for the closedown mechanism and innovation transformation of private colleges and universities, hoping to gradually build a warning for transformation. There are the problems faced include transformation case, closedown mechanism, student placement, staff rights protection and school property disposal. To provide a multiple paths and aftercare mechanisms for whose have been transformed to make the exit of private schools smoother, as the main topic of this article. In view of article ending, the enlightenment of the Taiwan’s colleges and universities closedown mechanism to on the development way of the higher education market in the six ASEAN countries in the future is proposed, the regulations and reasonable arrangements such as aftercare mechanisms are for reference.
起訖頁 225-245
關鍵詞 臺灣私立大專校院東協六國高等教育退場機制創新轉型Taiwan private colleges and universitiesASEAN six-country higher educationexit mechanisminnovation and transformation
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 202104 (10:4期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 大學教育對學生投身餐飲產業行為意圖之研究




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