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Title Work attitude, Values, and Self Identity Among Support Staff for Teaching Native Languages of New Immigrant
作者 蔡淑華
From academic year 108, when the new curriculum was implemented, native languages of new immigrants are added into native languages within the language arts domain, and students can freely choose the elective course based on their needs. At this time that the educational policy is just changed, the studies on support staff for teaching native languages of new immigrants are rare and wo rth exploring. This study aims to examine the work attitude, values, and the sense of self identity among support staff for teaching native languages of new immigrants through their work experience and feelings. Furthermore, it discussed a development mode l about how their self identity was enhanced.
The researcher used the Grounded Theory with three levels of coding open coding, selective coding, and theoretical coding and semi structured interview survey in this study. The participants who had different nationalities were seven current support staff for teaching native languages of new immigrants in Taoyuan City.
Findings: The work attitude and values of support staff for teaching native languages of new immigrants are essential process on promoting sel f identity. The core concepts of work attitude include work engagement, organizational commitment, and job satisfaction. The core concepts of value include cognitions, emotions, and choices. The leaving or staying decision from support staff is affected by Education policy, teaching environment and co employment system. The main elements of enhancing self identity are the participants' self expectation and self actualized. Based on the results, this study provided suggestions to schools and education autho rities for reference to courses and education policies.
起訖頁 246-273
關鍵詞 新住民語文教學支援人員工作態度價值觀自我認同Keywords: native languages of new immigrantsupport staff for teachingwork attitudevaluesself identity
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 202010 (9:10期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 從中小學生權利救濟的解禁談學生的輔導管教




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