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The Mediation Effect of Perceived Organization Support on Public Service Motivation and Work Performance–Starting from the Withdraw of Military Instructors from Campus
作者 潘瑛如
The Ministry of Education proposed the complementary measures in response to the complete withdraw of military instructors' from campus in consideration of the integration, comprehension and performance of student affair and counseling. The system of military instructors in campus which have been carried out for more than fifty years will end. However, the military instructors in universities is the main personnel responsible for student affair and thus how to cope with the transformation of student affair, promote its performance and establish a competitive and sustainable university become a critical issue of higher education. This study selected 51 schools by purposive cluster sampling for the evaluation of relationships among public service motivation (PSM), work performance (WP) and perceived organizational support (POS) and their current status using a questionnaire survey. The results demonstrated good POS and WP but lower POS. Besides, PSM and POS exerted positive effects on WP but POS negatively mediated the association between PSM and WP. Furthermore, the application of PSM-related knowledge to the development of an incentive system which balances the interest and service to attract, select and retain high-quality student affair personnel to fulfill the requirement of higher education and social expectations.
起訖頁 201-226
關鍵詞 工作績效公共服務動機軍訓教官組織支持感學生事務工作work performancepublic service motivationmilitary instructorperceived organizational supportstudent affair
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 202010 (9:10期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 社會技巧教學對國中學習障礙學生的重要性
該期刊-下一篇 從中小學生權利救濟的解禁談學生的輔導管教




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