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Co-construction of teaching and learning: An action research on board game teaching for older adults
作者 高文彬蕭荏祐
Through the concept of action research of planning-action-feedback-reflection-replanning, the researchers designed a 6-week board game course for older adults to gain the implication on instructional design for the aged. 6 board game classes were organized by a Senior Citizens Learning Center in Chi-yi City, while 19 elderly students were recruited. Based on the weekly feedback from students and the teaching logs from teachers, the researchers adjusted the instructional design every week. The satisfaction surveys were completed at the end of the third and the sixth classes to indicate the results, while the semi-structured interviews with 6 students were conducted to understand the participants' real feeling. The findings suggest that the main difficulties for older adults to engage in the board game classes are individual differences and physiological degradation. Therefore, it is necessary to help the elderly eliminate the obstacles during their learning process. Adding activities related to physical and mental health can make the participants feel useful, while increasing opportunities for peer interactions can improve their social life. Incorporating the element of story into the process may make a deep impression and help the senior citizens continue the learning activities. In terms of teaching, the teachers' active attitude to teaching may stimulate students' motivation to trigger a positive learning cycle. If a teacher can hold the attitude of mutual learning and modification, the art of co-construction derived from the interactions between teaching and learning can hopefully be formed.
起訖頁 152-176
關鍵詞 桌上遊戲遊戲教學樂齡學習高齡學習者高齡教育教學活動設計board gamesgame teachingolder adult learningelderly learnerselderly educationinstructional design
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 202006 (9:6期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 108新課綱學校運用全面品質管理思維轉化教師專業發展策略




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