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A Study on Science-related Career Choice of Six Graders in Elementary School
作者 馬宜平荊溪昱
本研究以社會認知生涯理論為基礎,旨在透過PISA 2006學生問卷中有關科學「自我效能」、「結果期待」、「興趣」與「生涯意向」的相關題目組成問卷,進行資料分析,企圖建構一套國小學生科學生涯選擇的因素結構模型,並進一步探究科學學業成就對科學生涯選擇的影響與不同性別學生在科學生涯選擇上的差異。
Based on social cognitive career theory, the aim of this study was to develop and examine a set of elementary school students' science-related career choice structural equation modeling by analyzing datas from 2006 PISA questionnaires which contained questions of science self-efficacy, science outcome expectation, science interest, and science career-choice intentions. In addition, this study also centered on investigating how gender and science performance level effects elementary school students' science-related career choice.
The findings of this study revealed that elementary school six graders' science-realated career choice modeling is slightly different from career-choice modeling of social cognitive career theory in two ways. On one hand, the standardized regression of science self-efficacy on science-related career-choice intentions is not significantly different. Science self-efficacy only has indirect influence on science-related career-choice intentions through science outcome expectation and science interest. On the other hand, science performance level is significantly related to science self-efficacy but not significantly realated to outcome expectation.
Furthermore, in terms of the effect on elementary school six graders' science-realated career choice, gender shows no significant difference. However, it’s noteworthy that negative attitude toward science-related career choice is already appeared on six-grade female students in elementary school.
Finally, according to the findings, some suggestions for future applications were proposed on the basis of the discussions provided in this study.
起訖頁 156-184
關鍵詞 社會認知生涯理論結構方程式模型科學生涯意向social cognitive career theorystructural equation modelingcience-related career-choice intentions
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 202002 (9:2期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 國中自然科學圖表閱讀策略教學之成效研究




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