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Development Trends of Electricity Demand Response Program and Virtual Power Plant
作者 許志義吳仁傑
本文旨在探討當前電力需量反應(demand response, DR)發展趨勢與推動策略,研究目的包括:一、探討先進國家需量反應之沿革與相關法制發展;二、解析「DR 1.0」、「DR 1.5」、「DR 2.0」之差異及當前最新發展趨勢;三、研擬台灣DR之相關推動策略供政府有關單位參考。為達上述研究目的,首先回顧先進國家推行需量反應的經驗,瞭解先進國家如何發展需量反應。接著探討需量反應如何由「DR 1.0」演進至「DR 1.5」,乃至於最新發展的「DR2.0」,並且探討三者之間的異同。最後彙整研究結果,並提出建議。
本文提出台灣發展需量反應的推動策略,包括以下6項建議:改變電力政策規劃與管理思維、檢討現行電力負載管理方案、推動用戶群代表創新節能商業模式、透過示範性及區域性漸進推行「DR 2.0」、引入「綠色金融貸款」鼓勵建置分散式發電設備、參考先進國家經驗修訂「與時俱進」的合宜法規。
The main purpose of this paper is to explore development trends and promotion strategies of electricity demand response program and the virtual power plant. Specifically, there're three objectives:(1)to examine the history and experience of DR regulatory development in advanced countries;(2)to analysis the difference among ''DR 1.0'', ''DR 1.5'' and ''DR 2.0'', as well as the cutting-edge trend;(3)to propose relevant strategies for promoting DR as a policy reference for the government. In order to achieve the above-mentioned objectives, this paper first reviews DR experiences of advanced countries to understand how they have promoted DR. Then, the evolution from ''DR 1.0'' to ''DR 1.5'', and to the newly developed ''DR 2.0'',as well as the virtual power plant, is illustrated and distinguished. Finally, research results are integrated and suggestions also provided.
The conclusion includes six strategies for promoting DR in Taiwan:(1)to change mindset of electricity policy planning and management;(2)to adjust the current load management program;(3)to promote innovating business model for ESCO and aggregator;(4)to develop a regional pilot demonstration project for ''DR 2.0'';(5)to encourage ''green financial loans'' for DG;(6)to update relevant laws and regulation based on the experience of advanced countries.
起訖頁 59-83
刊名 臺灣經濟論衡  
期數 201406 (12:6期)
出版單位 行政院國家發展委員會
該期刊-上一篇 重要財經政策紀實Vol.12 No.6
該期刊-下一篇 建立交流平台,擴大社會參與,凝聚經貿發展共識「經貿國是會議」紀實




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