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作者 鄭如琳
In recent years, countries and cities attempt to increase the governance benefit through the regional governance mechanisms to reduce the impact of changes in time and space, and solve public issues that could not be solved by a single individual. In fact, the interference of internal factors and external factors causes difficulties of partner relationship establishment, and also contain many institutional obstacles between the processes of cooperation.
Therefore, this thesis will try to base on transaction cost to analyze the transaction costs and Institutional Obstacle of Northern Taiwan development commission. Furthermore, the advice for future institution will be proposed. Therefore, in the above research, the goals of Joint Production Economies is still not achieved with Northern Taiwan Regional Governance Institution. First, the cost of governing is higher than the expected cost of opportunism. Secondly, the establishment of Regional Cooperation Governance Institution could not reduce Institutional Obstacle and the transaction cost of interactive between local governments, collective actors might concerned if continue paying the cost of institution establishment. Finally, this research will based on transaction cost, and institution choice to reflect some issues and propose the advices of new institution.
起訖頁 49-64
關鍵詞 北台區域治理機制新制度經濟學交易成本制度障礙制度選擇Northern Taiwan development commissionNew institutional economicsTransaction costInstitutional ObstacleInstitutional choice
刊名 臺灣經濟論衡  
期數 201211 (10:11期)
出版單位 行政院國家發展委員會
該期刊-上一篇 台商回台投資,共創優質產業環境
該期刊-下一篇 幸福點心新亮點,開創傳產新價值行政院陳院長出席穀研所50週年慶




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