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作者 林慈芳林麗貞陳田井麗林蕙薰
In 2006, Taiwan's economy faced many internal and external challenges, but still did well in technological innovation and macroeconomic performance, with the main macroeconomic targets for economic growth, consumer prices, jobs and unemployment all smoothly achieved.
Taiwan's economy grew 4.68% in 2006, which was 0.61 of a percentage point higher than its 2005 growth performance. External demand contributed 77.6% of the growth, and internal demand 22.4%. On the production side, the service sector's share of nominal GDP rose to an all-time high of 71.65%, making services the epicenter of economic expansion and a key stabilizer of economic growth. Meanwhile, the manufacturing sector recorded real growth of 7.23%, to provide a major driving force of technological progress and economic expansion. Although its global competitiveness performance in 2006 slipped back a little from the year before, Taiwan still maintained an outstanding advantage in technological research and innovation capacity, as demonstrated, for example, by its world top ranking in patent productivity and its world sixth rating in innovative capability.
起訖頁 13-33
刊名 臺灣經濟論衡  
期數 200707 (5:7期)
出版單位 行政院國家發展委員會
該期刊-上一篇 張院長第6屆第5會期施政報告
該期刊-下一篇 資訊通信科技與台灣經濟成長




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