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作者 鍾俊文
The fertility rate in Taiwan has dropped rapidly in recent years, as reflected by a decline in the number of newborns from 414,000 in 1981 to 216,419 in 2004. Moreover, there were only 131,453 newly wedded couples in 2004, down by more than 40,000 (or 23.24%) from 171,483 in 2003. With the number of newly wedded couples serving as a leading indicator of the number of newborns, the latter is expected to fall below 200,000 in the next few years if the current trend continues. These demographic developments have immense social, economic, political, and educational implications for Taiwan. They call for the formulation of short-, mid-, and long-term strategies to address the challenges of a falling fertility rate, an ageing society, and a declining population. This article attempts to assess the effects of rapid population transition in Taiwan, particularly the impacts of decreasing fertility and marriage rates on economic growth and labor force participation. It argues that structural changes in population should be given greater consideration in the development of mid- and long-term policy responses.
起訖頁 49-77
刊名 臺灣經濟論衡  
期數 200503 (3:3期)
出版單位 行政院國家發展委員會
該期刊-上一篇 我國產業結構調整對就業的影響與因應
該期刊-下一篇 台灣新經濟簡訊Vol.3 No.3




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