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Digital Platform Responsibility on Administering Royalty for Music Creators from the Perspective of Copyright Law
Digital Platform Responsibility on Administering Royalty for Music Creators from the Perspective of Copyright Law
作者 Tasya Safiranita Ramli (Tasya Safiranita Ramli)Sherly Ayuna Putri (Sherly Ayuna Putri)Amelia Cahyadini (Amelia Cahyadini)Maudy Andreana Lestari (Maudy Andreana Lestari)Rizki Fauzi (Rizki Fauzi)
In line with the rapid development of technology, the music industry is adapting so as not to be disrupted. Through the rise of digital platforms that accommodate information acceleration, the music industry has been growing along with the ease of access offered by technology. However, digital platforms are now bringing new challenges in terms of the management of exclusive rights for music creators i.e., composers and songwriters, especially the rights to royalties. Referring to Law Number 28 of 2014 on Copyright, royalties are included in economic rights that are exclusively protected and owned by the Creators. With regard to the rapid development of technology that has impacted the emergence of digital platforms, everyone can easily access, download, upload and cover a song. Consequently, a potential negative implication for the music creators is the diminishing of the right to royalties that should be obtained from the use of their copyrighted works. In the Copyright Law, protection for Authors and/or Copyright Holders has indeed been accommodated, but in the context of digital platforms, the a quo law has not regulated an agreement between internet service providers and OTT in terms of the distribution of royalties in the music sector. Thus, problems arise regarding how the Copyright Law regulates the responsibility of digital platforms for fulfilling royalties for creators and/or digital copyright holders. Therefore, this study seeks to identify how digital platforms can actually be responsible for the activities of utilizing music as artistic works on their platforms to at least manage the rights to royalties to the music creators. This study applies a normative juridical method complemented by primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials. This study aims to identify the digital platforms’responsibilities to music creators from the perspective of Copyright Law as well as several related legal principles and regulations.
起訖頁 14-27
關鍵詞 Music CoverCopyrightDigital PlatformRoyalty
刊名 NTUT Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Management  
期數 202306 (12:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北科技大學智慧財產權研究所
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