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An Analytical Discussion on the Names and Classifications of the Explanation of Beasts釋獸and Explanation of Livestock釋畜in ErYa爾雅with Shuowen Jiezi說文解字
作者 黃靜吟
This article compares the Explanation of Beasts(釋獸)and Explanation of Livestock(釋畜)in ErYa(爾雅)with Shuowen Jiezi(說文解字)in terms of the similarities and differences in the names, classifications and interpretations of beasts and livestock. In the name, The words ''beast'' and ''livestock'' in ErYa(爾雅)mostly refer to animals in the mammalian family of the Chordata. They are also categorized into ''beast'' and ''livestock'' according to whether they are wild or bred. In Explanation of Livestock(釋畜), add chickens, which are poultry in the bird family of the phylum Chordata. In the classification, Explanation of Livestock(釋畜)and Shuowen(說文)are more accurate in categorization. Explanation of Beasts(釋獸)categorizes 17 different species of wild beasts into only two main groups: the genus Apes and the genus Rats. Shuowen(說文)classifies 24 different species into 28 radicals. In the interpretation, The definitions of Explanation of Beasts(釋獸)'' are the same as those of Shuowen(說文), 21 of which are the same, and 30 of which are different. The definitions of Explanation of Livestock(釋畜)are the same as those of Shuowen(說文), 22 of which are the same, and 14 of which are different. Although the classification and interpretation of the two books are brief and erroneous. However, it still has its value in reflecting historical facts and preserving corpus.
起訖頁 183-207
關鍵詞 爾雅釋獸釋畜說文解字分類ErYa(爾雅)Explanation of Beasts(釋獸)Explanation of Livestock(釋畜)Shuowen Jiezi(說文解字)classification
刊名 中正漢學研究  
期數 202306 (41期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 明代蕭崇業〈航海賦〉所展現之航海紀實




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