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A Competency Requirement Study of Pantone Color Systems
作者 王昭棋戴孟宗
With the Internet technology being welldeveloped, more information communication transfers the entity media to digital development, the method of delivering channels from digital replaces traditional printing products. In traditional printing industries, the packaging industry is obviously growing. The enterprise through the series of visual factors with brand name, sign, standard words, standard colors, etc. to strengthen brand identification, which can show the brand product to stand out. When the customers interact with the product, they will decide whether to buy it or not after 90 seconds. The evaluation got about 62% to 90% from colors, color was the key factor after the customers interacted with the products. Hence, there are more brands with own represent color. The most important of the color trademark was from spot color printing, which was based on Pantone color system to improve the color reproduction for brand color on printing products. Pantone adopts the color statistics to control color, which shows the similar color for the digital media to entity media from color. Nowadays, tens of millions of designers and manufactures have used Pantone to be the universal language of color in the world. The research was aimed to research the competencies needed on Pantone Matching System from graphic design practitioners through Delphi technique. The survey questionnaire was repeatedly answered from the expert group, knowing the competencies needed that current graphic design practitioners applied to Pantone. The research showed the main competencies from graphic design practitioners to Pantone including these three steps from‘The accuracy color needed from design’,‘The color applied from graphic design’, and‘Acceptance and Finished’; before those two steps‘The accuracy color needed from design’,‘The color applied from graphic design’which needed the skills from printing and color, the final steps‘Acceptance and Finished which needed color management competency. The results will provide graphic design practitioners to learn and apply for reference.
起訖頁 89-105
關鍵詞 Pantone平面設計特別色色彩,職能PantoneGraphic DesignSpot ColorPrint QualityCompetency
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202308 (2023期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 白光LED與日光頻譜差異對相機色彩校正的影響
該期刊-下一篇 以人工智能辨識高明度紙張紋理特徵




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