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Three Argumentative Strategies of “Shang Xian” Triplet in the Core chapters of Mozi
作者 黎智豐
《墨子》十論為研究墨學主張的核心文獻,十論各組分為上、中、下篇為《墨子》的特殊結構。「尚賢」組別置於今本十論之首,前人研究多以墨學派系、歷史語境作為區分上、中、下篇的依據。本文則從「論證策略」的研究方法切入討論,分別以「互見文獻對校法」與「基源問題研究法」回應「尚賢」組別的兩項基本問題:(1)「尚賢」組別上、中、下篇有甚麼差異?(2)為甚麼「尚賢」組別上、中、下篇會有差異? 本文結合宏觀篇章結構與微觀文辭比對,提出「尚賢」組別上、中、下篇並非三墨基於學派差異的互相詰問,又或經過時代推移累積增寫的版本差異,而應視為建構「尚賢」理論互為補足的文本,並且分別對應「立論」、「探源」與「舉證」三種不同的「論證策略」。
The Ten Triplets of Mozi, consisting of ten volumes of three chapters each, are the core chapters in the study of Mohism. In this special Triplet structure of Mozi, the three chapters are distinguished as shang (上) , zhong (中), and xia (下).“Shang Xian” (尚賢)triplets are the first among the Ten Triplets in the current versions’ Mozi. Most of the Mohist studies interpretating the differences between the Ten Triplets with “Sectarian Division ” and “Evolution and Development ” whereas this paper will explain the differences between the “Shang Xian” triplets with “Argumentative Strategies”. This paper will answer two basic questions related to “Shang Xian” triplets: (1) What are the differences between the three chapters? (2) Why are there differences between the “triplets”? by Parallel-texts Method and Fundamental-question Method respectively. By comparing the differences in dictions and syntactic structure of the “Shang Xian” triplets, this paper proposes that the triplets, instead of arguments between different school nor the diverse versions of the text over time, are used to complement each another and the corresponding argumentative strategies are “Making a Claim”, “Finding the Theoretical Sources” and “Giving Examples”.
起訖頁 31-60
關鍵詞 《墨子》墨家墨學研究十論尚賢MoziMohismMohist studyThe Ten TripletsShangXian
刊名 中正漢學研究  
期數 202212 (40期)
出版單位 國立中正大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 先秦儒家是否肯定「大義滅親」說?關於當代學界正反辯論的分析與評價
該期刊-下一篇 「義果自天出也」:墨子政法思想新探




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