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A Case Study of the Qin Wooden Administrative Documents: The Materiality, Textual Composition, and Delivery Methods of Slips 9-2283, [16-5], and [16-6] from the Liye Archive
作者 馬增榮
The two unearthed wooden slips [16-5] and [16-6] were of the earliest batch made public from the Liye archive. They bore the same instruction from Governor (shou) Li of Dongting commandery on mobilizing laborers to transport armaments from Dongting commandery to the Capital and other commanderies in the 27th year into the reign of Qin Shi Huang (220 BCE). Regarding the slips in question, much emphasis has been placed on how administrative documents were handled in the Qin dynasty. However, no breakthrough has been made given the restriction in the existing finds. In the second volume of Liye Qin jian, the most recently released wooden slip 9-2283 bore clear resemblance to slips [16-5] and [16-6] in terms of content and material features, which in turn may resolve problems in the current research. The mirror-inverted imprints indicated that the three slips had once been placed one on top of the other. In addition, the traces of binding cords found on the three slips revealed that they had once been folded up as an “accordion” for storage after being bound with two sets of cords. Originally, the three slips were to be delivered as per prescribed route from Dongting commandery to Qianling county. There was no clear delivery itinerary designated by Dongting commandery, nor were the subordinate counties ordered to inform one another of respective receipt of documents. This would result in the wooden slips [16-5] and [16-6] being duplicated and delivered twice from a neighboring county to Qianling county. The slip 9-2283 bearing a mandate and being subsequently added in haste by Dongting commandery was the last of the three to arrive in Qianling county. In the analysis of the slips’ binding order, this article argues that such order ran counter to the order of the three slips’ arrival in Qianling county. In other words, the latest to arrive was placed on top, while the earliest was at the bottom. In all, the above discovery may initiate a re-consideration of the many issues currently surrounding administrative documents of the Qin dynasty.
起訖頁 349-418
關鍵詞 里耶秦簡遷陵縣反印文折頁傳遞方式Liye archiveQianling countymirror-inverted imprintsaccordion folddelivery method
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 202009 (91:3期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 秦君名號變更與「皇帝」的出現——以戰國至秦統一政治秩序的演進為中心
該期刊-下一篇 試論秦漢的「遝(逮)」、「逮捕」制度




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