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Written and Verbal Bureaucratic Communication in the Han Dynasty: A Case Study of the Juyen Jiaqu Patrol
作者 劉欣寧 (Hsin-ning Liu)
Recently unearthed materials and documents have greatly spurred research on “documentary administration.” However, many scholars have overly emphasized the written bureaucratic documents, while overlooking the fact that verbal communication had an equally important role. This article centers around a case study of the Jiaqu houguan (Jiaqu patrol) of Juyen duwei fu (Juyen border command), seeking to learn about the internal communication among officials at the Jiaqu patrol and the external communication with its subordinates. As traces of verbal communication are recognized, this paper also observes how written bureaucratic communication was carried out, as well as its limitations. In conclusion, this paper argues that while bureaucratic communication can be carried out in both written and verbal forms, depending on the conditions and needs, face-to-face verbal communication can usually convey the message more clearly, and at the same time, mutual confirmation can be done more easily. Communication about judicial matters and rituals in particular, as they usually involve clarifying facts and relationships, create a burden for documentary communication. In other realms, many reports indeed are required to be done in written format, where the documents will serve as records and people can therefore be held accountable. When written responses are required or when documents are passed between organizations, even internal communication within the same organization tends to be done in written form so that the messages can be responded or forwarded more efficiently. These documents are written in a format that follows a set of rules and standards, and must be delivered in accordance to the administrative levels and bureaucratic ranks. Authority can be easily established through documentary administration, but communication is also often constrained and hence other communication channels are often required.
起訖頁 451-513
關鍵詞 文書口頭居延漢簡甲渠候官documentary administrationverbal communicationHan slips from Edsen-golJiaqu patrol
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 201809 (89:3期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 論秦始皇「書同文字」政策的內涵及影響──兼論判斷出土秦文獻文本年代的重要標尺
該期刊-下一篇 東漢的「東宮」和「西宮」




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