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Division of Power: An Analysis of the Qin Commandery System (jun) Based on the Bamboo Slips
作者 游逸飛
According to the Liye and Yuelu bamboo slips, there was a division of power at the local commandery (jun) level in the Qin dynasty, as junshou had the authority over financial issues, junwei had the authority over personnel appointments, and junjianyushi had the authority over the circulation of laws and maps. These three government departments (fu) operated independently of each other since each of them had unique power over specific affairs. Moreover, as the authority over judicial affairs was shared by both junshou and junjianyushi and the authority over military affairs was shared by both junshou and junwei, the commandery system of Qin embodied the spirit of mutual check and balance. In other words, junshou did not have full and sole control over the commandery as well as the affiliated counties. This finding overthrows the claim made by Yan Geng-Wang (1916-1996), who argued that in the Qin and Han dynasties, each commandery had a single chief executive in charge of all affairs. According to the recently unearthed bamboo slips, the Qin commanderies did not have a single chief executive in charge of all affairs, and instead had three independent and yet also mutually supervised departments. This design was intended to prevent any kind of power monopoly. Thus, the Qin commandery system reflected the philosophy of Legalism and was completely different from the Han administrative system.
起訖頁 461-506
關鍵詞 郡縣制地方行政地方監察里耶秦簡岳麓秦簡commandery and county systemlocal administrationlocal check and balanceLiye bamboo slipsYuelu bamboo slips
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 201609 (87:3期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-下一篇 中國中古先代帝王祭祀的形成、演變與意涵──以其人選與地點為主軸的探討




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