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The Living Shrines for Departed Officials and the Local Society of Jiaxing Prefecture in the Late Ming Dynasty
作者 何淑宜
This article focuses on the widespread monuments for departed local officials in Jiaxing prefecture (fu) in late Ming. Living shrines and steles were neglected in former researches, because they were taken as superficial flattery. In this study, the meanings of these monuments are reconsidered in the context of local social changes during the late Ming dynasty. A different perspective on the society of the late Ming was then provided. Three main themes are discussed in this paper. Firstly, the relationship between the living shrines and the official sacrificial ceremony is studied. After the mid-Ming period, rules regarding ritual practices in official shrines for the local worthies and famous officials were gradually formalized and standardized through discussion. The literati tried to reconsider the appropriateness of living shrines for departed official because of how they were similar to the shrines for famous officials, but at the same time violated the principle of official sacrificial ceremony. Secondly, fiscal reforms in late Ming resulted in the increasing responsibility of local officials, so their relationships to the local society were changed. The controversy over land taxes among the three counties in Jiaxing prefecture is taken as a case study to investigate how the monuments were utilized by local people to advance their local interests. Thirdly, living shrines and steles of appreciation for departed officials were also used to protest the official evaluation system (daji). Because of serious political conflicts in late Ming, the evaluation system for local officials was at then often used by the factions for purposes such as revenging and bonding. The monuments provided an important means for the local people to deliver their own comments. Building the living shrines and steles was not merely for flattery or memorial. It was a way for the local communities to express the mistrust on the official evaluation system and to comment on the departed officials.
起訖頁 811-854
關鍵詞 生祠去思碑賦役制度大計鄉評living shrines for departed officialssteles of appreciation for departed officialsthe fiscal reformthe official evaluation systemlocal comments
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 201512 (86:4期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 從朱震亨到丹溪學派──元明儒醫和醫學學派的社會史考察
該期刊-下一篇 洮岷藏傳佛寺入清之興衰及其背後的蒙古因素──以《內閣大庫檔》與《理藩院滿蒙文題本》為核心




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