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Rewriting Huihong Juefan in the Ming Dynasty
作者 廖肇亨
This paper attempts to examine conflict and reconciliation between knowledge, language and cultural discourse within Ch'an teaching in the late Ming by shedding light on the revival of the teachings of the famous monk Huihong Juefan (惠洪覺範, 1071-1128), the first advocate of Wenzi Ch'an. It will also investigate the role of canonical texts in the spread of Ch'an teaching; Ch'an thought at first seems antithetical to doctrine and scripture, but actually canonical texts are crucial within its development. In the late Ming, an intense dispute erupted within Buddhist circles between Miyun Yuanwu (密雲圓悟, 1566-1642) and Hanyue Fazang (漢月法藏, 1573-1635). The two often voiced incongruous ideas, focusing on Huihong Juefan's works, particularly his Zhi Zheng Zhuan (智證傳). Zibo Zhenke (紫柏真可, 1543-1603) dedicated himself to disseminating Huihong Juefan's works and ideology; in fact, he was the first to give consideration to the Zhi Zheng Zhuan, thereby inciting a heated debate that was to last until the reign of Emperor Yung-zheng. At the heart of this long-drawn-out quarrel lay the conflict between the understanding of Ch'an teaching based on holy experience and that based on canonical knowledge; the dispute between the two ideological veins of mysticism and intellectualism also came into play. The aim of this paper is to further our understanding of late Ming Buddhism by exploring four dimensions: (1) the orientation of the values of late Ming Ch'an teaching; (2) the specifics of the debate over the teachings of Huihong Juefan and the positions of the opposing sides; (3) interrelation between hermeneutical strategy and cultural context; and (4) commentaries on the Ch'an practices of different schools.
起訖頁 797-837
關鍵詞 惠洪覺範紫柏真可漢月法藏智證傳明代佛教Huihong JuefanZibo ZhenkeHanyue FazangZhi Zheng ZhuanMing Buddhism
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 200412 (75:4期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 從《㽦辭》看明末直豫晉交界地區的衛所軍戶與軍民詞訟




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