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A Dravidian-Sanskrit Etymology
A Dravidian-Sanskrit Etymology
作者 M. B. Emeneau
Sanskrit kuḍmalá- adj. 'filled with buds, budded', noun masc. or neut 'bud'. is not provided with an etymology by Mayrhofer (nor by Uhlenbeck). A Dravidian connection will be suggested later in this paper, but before that it will be useful to state accurately the history of the Sanskrit words involved and to add the data from later Indo-Aryap stages. The adjective and noun appear in the manuscripts of, e.g., the Raghuvaṃś a (as reported in Nandargikar's edition) as both kuḍmala- and kuṭmala-, and our dictionaries mention both forms. Even kudmala- is reported as occurring in the manuscripts. Following our dictionaries, Turner notes the Mahabharata as the earliest source for the word, and presumably Mayrhofer too would have recorded epic attestation, if he had been including such information in this early part of his etymological dictionary.
起訖頁 433-438
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 196901 (39:1期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 The Philosophy of Mind as a Form of Empiricism




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