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Action Research of Solving The Discrepancy in Medical Social Work Practice Process From Assessment to Intervention by The BPSS Matrix
作者 楊智凱
In medical social work practice, the discrepancy can be frequently identified in the process from assessment to intervention, which undermines the effectiveness of problem-solving and the professional status of practitioners. This study was based on action research to develop BPSS Matrix Assessment Model and applied it in medical settings to fill the medical social work practice gap. This study was conducted over fourteen years, from mid-2008 to July 2022. Four cyclical phases were divided into Adversity Perception, Rough Framework Construction, Classification and Revision of Detailed Content in Various Aspects, and Construction of Case Record Formats and Consolidation of Main Diagnoses. The study exhibits that the BPSS matrix-based casework practice enabled medical social workers to collect and organise information effectively on the physical, mental, social, and spiritual dimensions of patients so as to the various impacts caused by the illness they encountered, which led to subsequent coping and adjustment. Consequently, the information was consolidated to address problems and needs. Furthermore, the BPSS matrix-based casework practice evaluated the effectiveness of the treatment and follow-up with patients’subsequent life changes. Ensuring an overarching connection between all phases of the casework practice and effectively resolving the practical difficulties encountered.
起訖頁 37-72
關鍵詞 社會工作評估BPSS矩陣行動研究social work assessmentBPSS Matrixaction research
刊名 東吳社會工作學報  
期數 202306 (44期)
出版單位 東吳大學社會工作學系
該期刊-上一篇 老人日間照顧中心社會工作者的困境及因應策略
該期刊-下一篇 小規模多機能服務模式可行性探討




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