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Nursing Care of Home Hospice for an Elder with End-stage Hepatocellular Carcinoma
作者 黃詩珊陳愛勤趙麗雲
The purpose of the paper is to describe nursing process to fulfill the wish of dying at home for an elder with end-stage hepatocellular carcinoma. The care period was from February 2nd, 2016 to February 17th, 2016, during which time seven visitations and three telephone visits in total were conducted. The assessment framework comprises overall aspects, including interviews, observations and data of physical assessments. The main health problems established were: chronic pain related to hepatocellular carcinoma and ascites oppression; expected grief related to family members facing the death of loved ones. During the visitation period, a good and trusting relationship was established with the subject of the case study and his family members. The researcher took the initiative to show concern to the case study’s family and accompanied the physician to visit the subject’s home and prescribe pain patches. With the involvement of the family members, water-proof body turning bed pads and L-shaped pillows were made to facilitate body turning and comfortable placement, as well as giving instructions on cohort care. The subject’s favorite music was played, while aromatherapy massage was applied to lower the pain scale from six to two. The researcher also contacted family members to hold family meetings with the medical team. The case study’s wish to have“home hospice”was respected and the family members to expressed their inner feelings. The researcher was able to understand the enormous physical and mental stress the subject’s daughter in-law was under, thus sharing her work load with the subject’s daughter by taking turns to render care to the subject. Old photos were used to look back on the patient’s life in the patient’s presence. The family members were also guided to show the patient the“gratitude, remorse, love, and farewell”. The home palliative and hospice care team also fulfilled the case study’s wish by offering assistance at his grandson’s simple and solemn engagement ceremony at home, thereby completing the case study’s“home hospice”and alleviating the family members’grief.
起訖頁 211-223
關鍵詞 肝癌末期安寧哀傷end-stage hepatocellular carcinomahospicegrief
刊名 長期照護雜誌  
期數 201810 (22:2期)
出版單位 社團法人台灣長期照護專業協會
該期刊-上一篇 照顧機器人倫理議題探討:以長照服務為例




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