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A New Translation of the ''Tang Yu zhi dao'' Bamboo Slips from the Chu tombs in Guodian
作者 周鳳五
In 1993, large bamboo slips were unearthed in Jingmen, Guodian no.1 site in present-day Hubei province. After being restored, sixteen types of Former Qin period Daoist and Confucian manuscripts were discovered, including: Lao Zi, ''Taiyi shengshui,'' ''Wuxing,'' ''Zi Yi,'' ''Lu Mu gong wen Zisi,'' ''Qiongda yishi,'' and ''Xingzi mingchu''. Among them was the ''Tang Yu zhi dao'' in 29 slips, 706 characters. Its contents include an explanation of the transference of power to the most able person as prescribed by Tang Yao, and Yu Shun. These documents cannot be found in any other primary collections and were considered as 'lost' Confucian documents of the late Warring States period. This text (Tang Yu zhi dao) was published in May 1998 as part of the Guodian chumu zhujian (Bamboo slips from the Chu tombs in Guodian) and includes commentary and textual exegesis of some of the more obscure characters. Moreover, given the time period and context of the writers of the ''Tang Yu zhi dao'', some of the written characters in the text seem quite similar to those found in Mengzi, while others seem representative of the characters used by the states of Qi and Lu. Other similarities within the text include explanations reminiscent of the Book of Documents (Xiang shu) and the School of Jixia (Jixia xuepai). Given the above, it seems quite likely that the ''Tang Yu zhi dao'' stems from the Mengzi school which may explain why it contains ideals of Confucian thought as well as the story of the King of Yan giving the throne to his minister, Zi Zhi, based on the fact that he was the most able person for the job.
起訖頁 739-759
關鍵詞 唐虞之道禪而不專尊賢知命六帝Tang Yu zhi daoShan erbu zhuanZunxianZhimingLiudi
刊名 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊  
期數 199909 (70:3期)
出版單位 中央研究院歷史語言研究所
該期刊-上一篇 女人、不潔與村寨認同:岷江上游的毒藥貓故事
該期刊-下一篇 西周遣器新識──否叔尊銘之啟示




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