英文摘要 |
We make six basic assumptions about nasal and oral initials which appear in the same phonetic-compound series. The first two of these, which have to do with the reconstruction of Chinese prenasalized stops in absolute-initial position, were given a more detailed presentation in Chang and Chang 1976. The remaining four underlie our reconstruction of nasals and prenasalized stops preceded by *s-. In testing these assumptions, we rely partly on internal evidence, such as doublets, and partly on comparisons with non-Chinese languages, primarily Tibetan. Our Chinese reconstructions are for the period when the phonetic compounds were established and incorporate suggestions made in Tung 1944, 1948, Li 1971, and Chang and Chang 1972; in parentheses following these we give Karlgren's Grammata Serica Recensa reconstructions. Our Proto-Tibetan reconstructions are based on Chang 1911; on the transcription of written Tibetan a-chung as N-, see Chang and Chang 1976. |