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Searching for Identities: Lau Kek Huat’s Films and Memories of the Malayan Communist Struggle
作者 Kuan Chee Wah (Kuan Chee Wah)
This paper focuses on two films by the Chinese Malaysian filmmaker Lau Kek Huat—Absent Without Leave (2017) and Boluomi (2019)—and discusses how they scrutinise memories of the Malayan Communist Party’s struggle while confronting the official, state-sanctioned version, which is intertwined with ethnic-based, preferential practices espoused by the ruling regime. Furthermore, these films interrogate ethnic Chinese Malayan identities—including the communists’ identities in particular—by highlighting their pluralism, as torn between Chinese and Malayan nationalism. Through this analysis, I argue that these films also reflect an “authorial intention” to locate and negotiate his diasporic ethnic Chinese identity vis-a-vis Malaysia’s ethnocentric socio-political system. Lau has endeavoured to pluralize the memories of the communist struggle, perpetuating the contestation for the Emergency’s meanings and legacies to enable the emergence of new identities and political subjectivities that challenge the dominant nation-building discourse and ethnic politics of Malaysia.
起訖頁 81-103
關鍵詞 Absent Without LeaveBoluomiChinese MalaysianLau Kek HuatMalayan Communist Partymemory
刊名 Ex-position  
期數 202306 (49期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學外國語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 Matriarchs and Troubling Friends: Toni Morrison’s Sula and the Moynihan Report
該期刊-下一篇 The Phased Reading of Media: An Interview with Garrett Stewart




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