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以 BERT 模型為基之美食聊天機器人之研製
Development of a Food ChatBot based on BERTModel
作者 陳志達
由於現代人手機不離身,又加上平凡的使用LINE等通訊軟體,因此本研究希望可以建構出一套可以儲存使用者評論的機器人,並且將使用者輸入的評論,利用Bert-base-chinese模型進行分類藉由BERT的模型可增加美食正負評論分類的有效與正確性,而後將分類完成的資料存入資料庫內。系統再利用LINE在2016年推出的Messaging API建構出一套可以讓使用者新增美食評論使系統的參考性提高以及找尋店家評論資訊的聊天機器人。
In recent years, technology has developed faster and faster, and the social behaviors are no longer as conservative as before. Many people begin to express their opinions and opinions on the Internet. When we have used products or tasted food, we all want to write our thoughts or opinions on the Internet and share them with everyone, no matter what the comments are good or bad. If we can analyze the quality of the reviews at any time, we can check the store quality more quickly, and provide this information to the web master or other users through mobile phones and communication software such as LINE. This research will build a set of Line chatbot that can store user comments, and use the BERT-base-chinese model for the comments entered by users. The model of bert can increase the validity and accuracy of the classification of positive and negative food reviews, and then store the classified data into the database. The system uses the Messaging API launched by LINE in 2016 to construct a set of chatbots that allow users to add food reviews to improve the reference of the system and find store review information.
起訖頁 4-27
關鍵詞 聊天機器人BertLINE Messaging APIChatbotBERTLine Message API
刊名 資訊與管理科學  
期數 202307 (16:1期)
出版單位 資訊與管理科學期刊編輯委員會
該期刊-下一篇 2023 WBC 經典女孩吸引力、觀賞動機與滿意度之關係研究




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