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Exploring Co-parenting Experiences of Parents of a Child with Multiple Disabilities
作者 張巧琳林秀珍
This study aimed to explore the co-parenting experiences of parents who raise a child with multiple disabilities. Through convenience sampling, both parents were invited to participate couple and individual semi-structured in-depth interviews for data collection. Research findings indicated that“division of labor and cooperation model”were adopted in their parental involvement.“Exhibiting opposition and undermining each other in terms of their parenting beliefs and practices of being a strict father and a loving mother”was portrayed as the parenting alliance of this family. Once the parenting conflicts were resolved, both parents reached a mutual understanding and shared a mutual goal for their parenting practices. In addition, facilitating factors to maintain a good co-parenting practices included both parents were willing to: 1) put“for child’s own good”as parenting priority, 2) communicate their parenting practices, 3) support each other, 4) find their complementary roles in their parenting conflicts and negotiate new division of labor, and 5) break the gendered parenting practices and share coparenting responsibilities. It is suggested that when assisting parents of children with multiple disabilities, relevant workers can pay attention to the co-parenting situation in the family and help develop the above-mentioned elements for maintaining a good coparenting position. Future research recommends inviting grandparents to become research participants to understand intergenerational differences and find ways to promote the harmonious functioning of co-parenting between generations.
起訖頁 1-15
關鍵詞 多重障礙兒童身心障礙兒童父母共親職Children with multiple disabilitiesparents of children with disabilitiescoparenting
刊名 身心障礙研究  
期數 202303 (21:1期)
出版單位 財團法人中華啟能基金會附屬台灣智能障礙研究中心
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