中文摘要 |
依李方桂先生的研究,上古有r, j, rj三個介音。其中r, j兩音在任何聲母後頭都可以出現,rj則只能配舌、齒、及開口牙喉音;在唇音及合口牙喉音之後,只有跟全濁聲母的還留有殘跡,其他都暫時從闕。從諧聲條例證介音的有無,雖富啟示,終嫌零散。自來成系統的擬訂,倚重音變規則的多,憑藉諧聲材料的少。例如介音j,就是不循考古,而假審音的途徑構擬的。 |
英文摘要 |
O. Abstract In Archaic Chinese, as reconstructed by Li Fang-kuei, there are three prevocalic on-glides: *-j-, *-r-, and *-rj-. The contrast between *-j- and *-r- is maintained in Ancient Chinese by means of vocalic gradation. The contrast between *-j- and *-rj-, however, is not clearly shown except when co-occurring with dental initials, or with unrounded velars. The three-way contrast in glides suggests that the phonotactic structure of the language-disregarding the consonant clusters at the initial position, vowel clusters as syllabic nuclei, and the segmental or supra-segmental element for the tone-can be formulated as follows: (C)(r)(j)VC/(C)(r)(j)≠ɸ |