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New Reform in College Chinese: Textbook Reform and Innovative Teaching Development in Various Schools over the Past Three Decades
作者 褚填正劉文淑
從上世紀九○年代末迄今近三十年,大學國文變革已然於各校展開。變革從調整課程起始,例如淡江大學將課程改為中國語文能力表達之後,其他學校也陸續更名為中文閱讀與寫作、文學與人生等等國文及通識教育課程,也帶動逢甲大學與靜宜大學成立專責中心。教本革新也是另一重要面向,尤其是2011 年教育部施行中文閱讀與書寫課程革新推動計畫,各校更以生命教育進行新版本,本文歸納分為文類型、議題型、層遞型、院校特色型、融合型等類別,同時衍生不同子類型。教學新創活動也呈現多元發展,臺中教育大學建構「導引—簡介—古今文本—註釋—生命內涵研析—延伸閱讀」型態,南臺科技大學積極導入文化產業元素,國立臺灣師範大學運用「深度討論」教學法建構「讀—思—問—辯—寫」進程,元智大學以關鍵詞讓學生掌握文本,凡此都持續引領學子豐厚生命質量,也開創更多新興世代在全球的影響力。
Over the past thirty years, since the late 1990s to the present, the reform of Chinese education in universities has been underway. The reform began with curriculum adjustments, such as Tamkang University changing its curriculum to focus on Chinese language and literature proficiency. Other schools have followed suit, renaming their courses to ''Chinese Reading and Writing,'' ''Literature and Life,'' and other Chinese and General Education courses, which has also led to the establishment of specialized centers at Feng Chia University and Providence University. Textbook reform is another important aspect, particularly with the implementation of the Chinese Reading and Writing Curriculum Reform Project by the Ministry of Education in 2011. Each school has used life education to create new versions of the curriculum, which can be categorized into different types, such as genre-based, issue-based, hierarchical-based, school characteristic-based, and integration-based, while also giving rise to different subtypes. Inn ovative teaching activities have also shown diverse development, such as National Taichung University of Education's ''Guidance-Introduction-Classical and Modern Texts-Annotations-Analysis of Life Connotation-Extended Reading'' model, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology's active introduction of cultural industry elements, National Normal University's use of ''Quality Talk'' to construct the ''Read -Think-Question-Debate- Write'' process, and Yuan Ze University's use of keywords to help students understand texts. All of these efforts continue to lead students towards a rich quality of life and also create greater influence for emerging generations on a global scale.
起訖頁 195-218
關鍵詞 大學國文生命教育中文閱讀與書寫課程革新推動計畫通識教育課程深度討論university Chinese educationlife educationChinese reading and writing curriculum reform projectgeneral education curriculumquality talk
刊名 課程與教學季刊  
期數 202307 (26:3期)
出版單位 中華民國課程與教學學會
該期刊-上一篇 國小英語差異化教學融入行動學習之研究




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