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篇名 |
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The concretization of memories: The development of food souvenirs from the perspective of food specialties and souvenirs |
作者 |
洪士峰、張德儀 |
中文摘要 |
在旅遊資訊充斥的現代,觀光客都十分注重各旅遊地點的觀光特色和地方吸引力要素,而食物特產是地方吸引力要素中很重要的組成成分。另外在觀光消費行為中,觀光客購買伴手禮本來就是重要的消費,因此由食物特產做成的食物伴手禮不僅是兼具地方土特產的特色,也具備伴手禮的性質。而以往的研究伴手禮與食物特產多半是二個獨立的研究議題,但本研究總和這二個議題,從食物伴手禮的角度出發,以觀光客購買伴手禮時的消費價值為核心,歸納出良好的食物伴手禮的發展方向,也是本研究的主要貢獻。本研究深度訪談36位來高雄購買伴手禮的觀光客,依照其訪談內容,從地方的觀點結合消費者價值為依歸,歸納出三種食物伴手禮的產品屬性方向:1.在地食物的使用;2.地方意象的具備;3.地方認同的共鳴。有別於以往的伴手禮研究多專注在伴手禮本身的類別,食物伴手禮多半來自於地方的傳統或者特色,本研究除了考慮產品本身的品質屬性外,也結合了觀光客的購物考量和地方的連結觀點,從地方的角度出發,逐步釐清食物伴手禮產業發展的內容,進一步對未來產品研發與觀光實務上有著更多的貢獻。 |
英文摘要 |
Purchasing souvenirs is an important travel shopping behavior in the tourist industry. Few studies have examined the directions for developing souvenir designs. Using food souvenirs as an example, this study adopted interview approach to explore the customer value of food souvenirs purchased by tourists. This study found that when choosing which food souvenirs to buy, tourists perceived the following 3 major attributes as important: 1. using local materials and specialty; 2. the lineage of place imagery; 3. The feeling of place identity. The findings of this study can serve as reference for helping business owners to design products. This study recommends incorporating these nine attributes and local characteristics into souvenir development to closely resonate with the needs of tourists and strengthen tourists' perception and impression of the customs of a destination city. |
起訖頁 |
47-70 |
關鍵詞 |
伴手禮、食物特產、地方意象、地方認同、消費價值、Souvenirs、Food Specialty、Place Imagery、Place identity、Customer value |
刊名 |
餐旅暨觀光 |
期數 |
202006 (17:1期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
大陸來台自由行旅客服務品質認知、滿意度與忠誠度之研究 |