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Experience of Nursing a Person who Became Disabled Following an Accident and Handling Placement Decisional Conflicts
作者 呂玟萱張雅惠 (Ya-Hui Chang)陳妍錦
This paper presents a case where a 65- year-old individual who became mildly to moderately disabled following a car accident; the patient longed for home care, but his family members disagreed with him in terms of his placement. The patient was hesitant about expressing his true thoughts because he worried about becoming a burden to the family. Placement uncertainties caused decisional conflicts. The author deeply emphasized with the patient’s helplessness and decided to study the case further. During the nursing period from July 20, 2020 to August 8, 2020, the author applied methods of observation, medical record review, physical assessment, and direct patient care for data collection. Gordon's Eleven Functional Health Patterns framework was used for holistic assessment and identification of health problems such as impaired physical mobility, sense of hopelessness, and decisionmaking conflicts. To improve the patient’s physical activity function, cross-team cooperationand intervention across various medical sectors were conducted. Through listening, providing company, and seeking family support, the patient’s sense of hopelessness was mitigated. Patient decision aids were used to help the patient understand the advantages and disadvantages of each home care service. Finally, the Long-term Care Plan 2.0 was finalized for application. During the application review period, the patient returned home to be taken care of by a resident care attendant. The hospital was advised to improve the patient decision aids, offer more related courses, and share case examples to quickly familiarize patients with patient decision aids. When such patients are admitted, the hospital should conduct assessment and inform the discharge planning team on a timely basis.
起訖頁 125-136
關鍵詞 失能長照2.0決策衝突醫病共享disabilitylong-term care plan 2.0decisional conflictshared decision making
刊名 彰化護理  
期數 202306 (30:2期)
出版單位 彰化基督教醫院
該期刊-上一篇 照顧一位創傷性腦損傷外籍勞工之護理經驗
該期刊-下一篇 照顧一位行縮胃手術病患反覆滲漏之護理經驗




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