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The Nursing Experience of a Terminal Colorectal Cancer Patient to Face a Decisional Conflict
作者 許宜靜陳俞君
This paper describes the nursing experience of a patient of terminal colorectal cancer who faced the physical torment and the threat of death when the individual’s condition deteriorated in the course of the disease, that during which the family members were stressed and reluctant to accept the situation, as shown by their conflict and hesitation in the follow-up medical decision-making. During the care of patient from January 3 to February 5 of 2021, the four major aspects of physiology, psychology, society and spirituality were the dimensions of assessment and data were collected through observation, listening, physical evaluation and medical record to establish that the patient was suffering from health issues such as chronic pain, malnutrition, conflict of choice and a sense of hopelessness. In this period, both drug and non-drug treatments, such as pain-relieving technique, were given, along with intravenous nutrition supplement, to maintain bodily functions. The family members’doubt about palliative medicine was clarified by the support team, where a family meeting was organized to guide two-way dialog to resolve family conflict. Later, by remembering through the patient’s life and the past, the patient was reasserted with self-worthiness that an agreement between the family and the medical staff was reached in accordance with the patient’s expectation. It is hoped that this nursing experience will be shared with colleagues in the field and serves as a reference for future care of similar cases.
起訖頁 89-101
關鍵詞 大腸癌末期決策衝突無望感terminal stage of colorectal cancerdecisional conflicthopelessness
刊名 彰化護理  
期數 202306 (30:2期)
出版單位 彰化基督教醫院
該期刊-上一篇 運用共享決策於一位早期破水且胎兒染色體異常婦女之護理經驗
該期刊-下一篇 一位腹膜透析病人因反覆性腹膜炎轉換血液透析之護理經驗




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