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Establishment the Home Self-Care Health Education Manual for Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
作者 許雅惠 (Ya-Hui Hsu)鍾玉珠
慢性腎臟病(chronic kidney disease, CKD)是一種漸進性腎臟功能衰退之疾病,病人的自我照護能力會延緩疾病的進展,通常門診常規衛教都以簡易衛教單張為主。本研究旨在發展「建立慢性腎臟病人居家自我照護衛教手冊」,以提升CKD病人居家自我照護能力,達到延緩腎功能惡化及延遲進入透析療程。本研究使用專家學者建議的六大程序建立此衛教手冊,委請5位臨床專家針對手冊進行內容效度,依據李克特量表(Likert scale)五點計分,評分由1分「非常不同意」至5分「非常同意」進行衛教手冊「內容適用性」、「內容正確性」與「文字易讀性」之內容效度指標(content validity index, CVI)計算。衛教手冊內容包括疾病的認識及分期、規則服藥、規律運動、三高控制、飲食原則等。結果顯示在內容適用性、內容正確性與文字易讀性的CVI值分別為.98、.88、.95,整體衛教手冊的CVI值為.93。CKD病人能執行居家自我照護影響其疾病控制與進展,期望本衛教手冊能增進CKD病人居家自我照護的意願及自我照護能力,延緩CKD疾病進展,改善生活品質。
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a progressive decline in kidney function, and the disease mitigation depends on patient self-care. Usually, health information education for patients is by simple paper in the outpatient clinic. The purpose of this study was to create the homebased self-care education manual for patients with CKD, and to improve the self- care ability of CKD patients, to delay the deterioration of renal function. This study adopts six major procedures suggested by certain scholars to make our health educational manual, and the content validity evaluation was conducted by 5 clinical experts. According to the five-point Likert scale, it ranges from 1 point ''strongly disagree'' to 5 points ''strongly agree”to calculate the content validity index (CVI). The home self-care manual of CKD patients includes the understanding of the disease, regular medication, regular exercise, control of metabolic syndrome, dietary principles and psychological adjustment. The results that the CVI values of content applicability, correctness, and text legibility in the home-based self-care education manual was .98, .88 and .95 , and the CVI value of the overall manual was .93. We expect that this health educational manual can enhance the willingness and ability of CKD patients to take care of themselves at home, delay the progression of CKD disease, and improve their quality of life.
起訖頁 20-27
關鍵詞 慢性腎臟疾病居家自我照護衛教手冊chronic kidney diseasehome self-carehealth education manual
刊名 彰化護理  
期數 202306 (30:2期)
出版單位 彰化基督教醫院
該期刊-上一篇 3D 列印在臨床教具、輔具的應用
該期刊-下一篇 癌症化療患者介入音樂治療是否可改善噁心嘔吐




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