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Saving Everything: Christian Boltanski’s“Visual”Archives
作者 王曉華
Les Archives de C. B., 1965–1988, a work believed to contain approximately 1,200 photographs and 800 documents, and titled“archive,”is in a unique position among the late French artist Christian Boltanski’s archive - related works. Not only is this work a typical one that fulfills Boltanski’s will to“save everything,”but he has also shuffled all the photographs and documents he preserved for more than two decades into closed tin boxes with no external markings. These boxes are sealed only by gravity, each box resting on another’s closed lids; thus, inaccessibility is built into their design and presentation. This study attempts to demonstrate the design and presentation in Les Archives de C. B., 1965–1988 and argues that due to 23 years of archival material being rendered inaccessible, Boltanski questions the fundamental ability to save everything. In light of this, the study concludes that with Boltanski’s minimal archival work, namely, saving photographs and documents and putting them in tin boxes, he completely visualized archival behavior. In Les Archives de C. B., 1965–1988, Boltanski revisits our fascination and obsession with the idea of the archive and the tendency to tie archives and memories together hastily.
起訖頁 1-16
關鍵詞 波東斯基保存一切記憶遺忘檔案Christian Boltanskisave everythingmemoryforgettingarchive
刊名 清華藝術學報  
期數 202212 (4期)
出版單位 國立清華大學藝術學院  
該期刊-下一篇 從視覺媒介到敘事填充——文化場域現象中的臺灣錄像藝術發展變遷




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