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Between State and Citizens: Civil Society in Cambodia under Neoliberalism
作者 李翠萍
This study depicts civil society in Cambodia both in general and in specific rural villages and explore factors behind the lack of dynamics in civil society through literature review and field investigation. Because more than three fourths of the Cambodian population reside in rural areas, the depiction of Cambodian civil society is incomplete if the situation in rural regions is not included in the discussion. The research results show that Neoliberalism has been adopted by the patron-client system embedded in Cambodian tradition and therefore has solidified the position of the economic and political elite due to the massive capital flowing into Cambodia. As a result, the power gap has widened between the elite and the lowest economic level. Most people living on survival incomes typically have little freedom to choose a different way of life, unlike in a neoliberal civil society. In addition, NGOs which heavily depend on foreign donors have encountered difficulties in cultivating strength from the grassroots. This study also finds that, in rural areas, the primary foundation of Cambodian civil society rests upon the individual network involving families, friends, and neighbors as well as the issue-oriented network relationship between NGOs (the givers) and individuals (the receiver), and. In remote areas where most people still survive at a subsistence level, collective action to pursue public interests can only be triggered when private interest is simultaneously pursued.
起訖頁 9-44
關鍵詞 柬埔寨公民社會偏鄉社區發展非政府組織新自由主義CambodiaCivil SocietyRural Community DevelopmentNon-Governmental OrganizationNeoliberalism
刊名 亞太研究論壇  
期數 202112 (70期)
出版單位 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心亞太區域研究專題中心
該期刊-下一篇 柬埔寨洞里薩湖漁業資源管理及推動協力治理的可能性分析




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