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亞太研究論壇 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

East Asian Capitalism and Cross-national Industrial Collaboration: The Impact of the Relationships with Japanese Firms on the Technology Strategy of Taiwanese Firms
作者 田畠真弓
本研究從依賴管理(dependency management)、組織制度論以及科技知識學習機制的角度試圖探討在東亞資本主義的全球變遷過程臺日合作對於臺灣科技企業的技術策略帶來的影響。本研究深入地分析代表性的臺日合作個案歷史:大同公司與日本電子大廠、亞洲光學與日本光學大廠、鴻海與日本液晶面板大廠夏普之間合作關係,其結果發現臺日合作對於臺灣科技企業的技術策略有著相當大的影響以促成臺灣企業探索它們的獨創性策略。如上個案研究的結果讓我們重新思考,在東亞資本主義變遷的結構,臺灣科技企業超越理性選擇與官僚體系的框架以施展它的能動性,探索持續發展的多樣化策略與轉型之路。
This paper focuses on dependency management, new institutionalism and the learning mechanism of technological knowledge, and tries to explore the impact of the relationships with Japanese firms on the technology strategy of Taiwanese firms in the process of globalization of East Asian capitalism. The case studies of representative collaboration between Taiwanese high-tech firms and Japanese counterparts show that whether its impact was positive or negative, the collaboration process between Taiwanese and Japanese firms had considerable effects on the technological strategies of Taiwanese firms, and even caused strong reactions and inspired unique technological strategies. The results of these case studies suggest that Taiwanese high-tech firms go beyond the framework of rational choice and bureaucracy in reaction to the drastic changes in East Asian capitalism, and explore the diverse strategies and transformation on the path towards sustainable development.
起訖頁 1-26
關鍵詞 東亞資本主義組織制度論臺日合作技術策略臺灣科技產業East Asian CapitalismNew InstitutionalismCollaboration between Taiwan and JapanDependency managementTaiwanese high-tech Industry
刊名 亞太研究論壇  
期數 201612 (63期)
出版單位 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心亞太區域研究專題中心
該期刊-下一篇 新加坡華語戲劇的左翼現代性實踐:以表演藝術學院為例(1965–1976)




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