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Australia’s Relations with Indonesia after WWII: The Geopolitical Perspective from the Australian Side
作者 黃恩浩 (En-Hao Huang)
Australia is a middle power with a limited defence capability. Therefore, Australia’s foreign polities and defence strategy are traditionally connected with international superpower-led military coalition, the UK first, then the US. The increasing strategic importance of Indonesia for Australia’s national security was due to the UK, then the US, decided to withdraw troops from Southeast Asia after the Second World War. In order to keep its national security by shaping a regional security setting, Australia consequently started to promote regional multilateral diplomacy and security building toward the Southeast Asia. Regarding Australia’s geopolitics, the geographical position of Indonesia is very close to Australia and has a deep influence on Australia’s security concern. For this, Australia’s relationship with Indonesia is, therefore, the most important one in the region. This article tries to examine that how and why a middle power Australia has applied political and economic approaches to construct a relationship with Indonesia through the Australian perspective of geopolitical security after WWII.
起訖頁 87-128
關鍵詞 澳洲印尼關係地緣政治中型國家東帝汶事件龍目條約Australia-Indonesia RelationsGeopoliticsMiddle PowerEast Timor IssueLombok Treaty
刊名 東亞研究  
期數 201201 (43:1期)
出版單位 國立政治大學東亞研究所
該期刊-上一篇 從毛澤東主義到社會民主?測量中國城鎮居民的階級意識
該期刊-下一篇 政治經濟學的典範轉移?以解釋中國經濟改革的文獻為例




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