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An Analysis of Institutional Isomorphism in the Newspaper Industry in China
作者 鍾詠翔
This article explores why isomorphism takes place in the Chinese newspaper industry as China’s economic reform deepens. As for the characteristics of isomorphism in the Chinese newspaper industry, previous scholarly works focus on the similar news contents, identical layouts, comparable management styles, overlapped advertisement customers, and simultaneous deadlines. As for the source of isomorphism, scholars focus on similar positioning, lack of market segmentations, little innovation, over-emphasis of short-term gain on operating a newspaper. There seem enough market mechanism explanations, but few institutional ones, on isomorphism. Also as rare are those of the censorship and media’s self discipline. This paper argues that the thriving of conglomeration is a character of isomorphism in the initial stage. Media’s self-censorship, nationalism and consumerism in the reporting, and requirement of college degrees in journalism are an enhanced form of isomorphism. Institutional pressures, such as national regulation, market uncertainty and quality of journalism, are what cause isomorphism. To survive in China’s newspaper industry, media must compete for institutional legitimacy as well as for social economic suitability, in addition to rationality and efficiency.
起訖頁 117-160
關鍵詞 中國媒介組織制度同形國家市場ChinaMediaIsomorphismInstitutionState
刊名 東亞研究  
期數 201107 (42:2期)
出版單位 國立政治大學東亞研究所
該期刊-上一篇 以治理理論分析中共「大部制」改革之趨勢研究




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