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作者 江力平
The act of smashing guitars or destroying instruments has been a recurring sight in various performances, particularly in the realm of pop music, specifically in rock music performances. It has even become a cheap and direct way of showcasing the so-called ''Rock Spirit'' in other fields, in a ritualistic and symbolic manner. What do musicians think in that moment of actually destroying or burning instruments? Is it really the same as the explanations of scholars? The author has been the bass player of Taiwan indie band ''LTK Commune'' from 2003 to 2020, and has handled or indirectly destroyed more than six instruments during performances for nearly twenty years. Although there is no definite record, the author is confident that it is probably the highest number in Taiwan music scene, given that LTK Commune is the only rock band in Taiwan that enjoys freedom of speech and action. The author believes that the band has a certain responsibility and obligation to clarify the act of smashing guitars from the perspective of the actual thinkers and executors of the act. This article first defines the behavioral norms and scope of smashing guitars and describes famous instruments destruction events in rock music scenes of Europe and America, as well as LTK Commune's action records. It analyzes the various explanations of smashing guitars that currently exist as the basis for established discourse, and from the perspective of actual practitioners, explains why statements from non-musicians are meaningless and just scratching at the surface. It also explores the possible decline and resurgence of the act of smashing guitars from the perspective of music makers and performers.
起訖頁 1-27
關鍵詞 摔吉他搖滾樂搖滾神話自毀藝術濁水溪公社Guitar SmashingRock MusicRock MythologySelf-Destruct ArtLTK Commune
刊名 文化研究季刊  
期數 202303 (181期)
出版單位 文化研究學會
該期刊-下一篇 如何為迪亞寫歌:邱晨《特富野》的報導音樂暨時代意義析論




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