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The Capacity of Regional Organizations in Governance:A Case Study of Regulatory Integration in Food Trade under the Current AEC Framework
作者 譚偉恩
本文以東南亞地區最具指標性意義之政府間國際組織(intergovernmental organization)—東南亞國家協會(Association of Southeast Asian Nations, ASEAN)—為例,探討會員國發動區域經濟整合之後在食品貿易上的規範整合成效。研究顯示,ASEAN經濟共同體(ASEAN Economic Community, AEC)在制度層面的「形式上」整合已無太多困難,但在落實會員國配合經濟共同體進行規範的趨同或調和上卻十分不易。導致此種情況的原因主要來自於個別會員國的經貿利益未必與區域整合相容;詳言之,因為某些會員國重要的國內產業無法在區域整合過程中獲利,使其傾向透過自助(self-help)而非合作來確保自身利益。馬來西亞的具體個案證明了上述主張;由於該國境內的清真食品(halal food)產業在經濟發展上扮演關鍵角色,加上長期是官方諸多保護政策下之既得利益者,導致馬來西亞在與食品貿易有關的非關稅障礙措施上欠缺與其它會員國進行趨同或調和之誘因,也不願積極配合AEC的相關規範。簡言之,現階段在東南亞的區域經濟整合反映出ASEAN這個組織在治理能力上的虛弱。
Taking the most symbolic intergovernmental organization in Southeast Asia, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), as an example, this article discusses the effectiveness of regulatory integration in food trade after member states initiated regional economic integration. According to the research finding, while the integration of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) at the institutional level is de jure achievable, implementation of regulatory convergence or harmonization among member states to coordinate with the AEC is de facto still unattainable. The cause for the situation is the conflict of interest between individual member states and regional integration. Specifically, certain member states whose domestic industries do not enjoy benefits during the process of regional integration tend to ensure their own benefits by self-help instead of mutual cooperation. The example of Malaysia exemplifies this argument. The halal food industry in Malaysia plays a vital role in economic development. In addition, it has long been the vested interests due to government’s protectionist policy. Resultantly, there is little incentive for Malaysia to converge or harmonize its measures for non-tariff barriers to food trade with those of other member states; therefore, its willingness to comply with the regulations of the AEC is scarce. Simply put, the regional economic integration currently reflects the incapability of the ASEAN’s governance.
起訖頁 51-81
關鍵詞 東南亞國家協會東協經濟共同體非關稅障礙區域整合清真食品ASEANAECNon-tariff BarriersRegional IntegrationHalal Food
刊名 國際關係學報  
期數 202006 (49期)
出版單位 國立政治大學外交學系
該期刊-上一篇 歐盟亞洲策略之研究:以歐盟對東南亞國協政策為例




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